
Reddit Gets Tough With Multiple Bans of Piracy Sub-Reddits

The White House is considering an antitrust investigation into 'online platform bias' at Google and Facebook — read the leaked document here

Is software becoming worse as we continue into the future?

Apple's Upcoming Streaming Service Is Reportedly So Bland Staff Are Calling It 'Expensive NBC'

Facebook will no longer send employees to work at the offices of political campaigns during elections, the company has announced. The social network used to offer dedicated staff to political campaigns to help them develop their online advertising campaigns.

White House distances itself from reports that Trump could target Facebook, Google and Twitter with a new executive order

Pinned to Pic of The Day on Pinterest

Comcast outbids Fox in a $39 billion takeover of Sky

For Hackers, Anonymity Was Once Critical. That’s Changing.

Samsung Slows Memory Chip Production to Keep Prices Stable

China are now arresting citizens who used Twitter to ‘criticise’ and ‘denounce’ national leaders.