
To combat extreme heat, cover your roof in hungry, sweaty plants; Green roofs and white paints are a heat-buster's best friends

Corporations Are Lobbying to Keep Making Robocalls

Guccifer 2.0 and DCLeaks Booted From Twitter Following Mueller Indictments

Wikipedia picture of the day on July 16, 2018: Mute swans...

Why going cashless is discriminatory – and what's being done to stop it. Not accepting cash excludes service to those without access to credit cards, but a new bill would make it illegal for restaurants to refuse paper money.

Elon Musk calls British diver who helped rescue Thai schoolboys 'pedo guy' in Twitter outburst

Millions of Verizon customer records exposed in security lapse. Customer records for at least 14 million subscribers, including phone numbers and account PINs, were exposed.

Ontario cancels wind, solar contracts as Ford moves on energy overhaul - 758 contracts with renewable power developers are being canceled in Ontario.

In America’s tech capital, tens of thousands go without home Internet. Here’s how San Francisco wants to fix it.

Why use OpenStreetMap instead of Google Maps?

Samsung unveiled its 3.5-gigahertz band 5G operating equipment system