
Craigslist shuts personal ads for fear of new Internet law.

I warned Mark Zuckerberg about the Cambridge Analytica-type flaw in April 2005. He ignored me.

Companies pull ads from Facebook after Cambridge Analytica controversy

Wikipedia picture of the day on March 25, 2018: A potrait of a...

Facebook scraped call, text message data for years from Android phones.

This is why our phones are making us miserable: happiness isn't the same thing as pleasure, and our brain knows it

The New Law That Killed Craigslist’s Personals Could End the Web As We’ve Known It

Facebook Turned Our Economy Into a Spying Operation

Apple's Tim Cook Calls for More Regulations on Data Privacy

Yes, Facebook is spying on you - and here’s how they’re doing it.

Investigators complete seven-hour Cambridge Analytica HQ search