I warned Mark Zuckerberg about the Cambridge Analytica-type flaw in April 2005. He ignored me.

This is me: https://ift.tt/2G4mJcl is the AMA I was banned from in the middle: https://ift.tt/2DSRL0v is the op-ed I wrote that the NYT rejected in August 2017: https://ift.tt/2G3dEAq are the communications I had with Mark compiled for litigation purposes: https://ift.tt/2G9coI3 are the relevant parts from April 2005:https://twitter.com/AaronGreenspan/status/975957889767505920 https://twitter.com/AaronGreenspan/status/976331044084264960This is my reaction to Mark's CNN interview:https://twitter.com/AaronGreenspan/status/976628685024280577Can you hear me now? via /r/technology https://ift.tt/2G6wdzw

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