Facebook censoring private chats

It is nothing new that Facebook is trying that 1984 thing. And I would kinda understand it if they censored what is posted on your wall, but censoring a private chat? Which mean (no surprise there) it is not all that private after all. The legality of such actions is questionable to say the least.And it isn't even something that is harmful to society, like sharing anti-vac propaganda or something similar. Or organizing a Nazi rally or something. The stupid thing prevented sharing of a TEDx.Screenshot1, screenshot2The abusive video? This:Blatant censorship and disregard of privacy is annoying, but at least they shouldn't be this bloody incompetent.And naturally, this post was censored on r/facebookScreenshot3Because of course it was.... Most likely automod removes any post that mention censorship. The whole thing is kinda funny in that sad kind of way. via /r/technology https://ift.tt/2Gri8hQ

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