My friend's company is about to go full Black Mirror for employee reviews

My friends company, Imeg, is about to unleash an employee review app that is either supposed to at least augment, or take the place of the 360 degree employee review process. Employees will have access to the application on their Android/iOS device to be able to quickly "grade" their co-workers on their "performance" and "attitude." Right now it's only available on Google Play, but it should be available on the Apple Store this week. Hey, there's a single 5-star review already there too! As far as apps go, it's a simple forward to an Office 365 survey - so it's a pitiful implementation of a shitty idea.Now, if you're not familiar with the show Black Mirror - I recommend you watch it, it's pretty thought-provoking in a 'what would happen if you took technology just a bit further in the wrong direction' kind of way. The episode in particular you should watch is 'Nosedive).'From what I've learned, even during executive meetings about the implementation/brainstorming of this app, one of the other attendees mention "Hey...this reminds me, have you ever seen that show, Black Mirror-" only to be tersely interrupted by the president to roll his eyes and say "YES I HEARD ABOUT IT" and basically shut that thread down. From what I understand, only HR will have the ability to review the scoring system (who reviews HR employees?), and it will be tied directly to merit increases in some way.This is some insane bullshit. What if the person you are interacting with has a bad day? What if someone just entered in bad reviews for the hell of it? What if you are an introvert? What if you only interact with 2 people in a day and 1 person doesn't like what you did for them? Who's going to follow up with or handle libelous ratings? There are so many reasons why this is a horrible idea on all levels...I am completely confounded as to how a company here in the United States can possibly think this is going to end well.Holy shit, guys. Holy shit. via /r/technology

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