If we are worried about Chinese companies (Huawei) stealing information, why are we not worried about Lenovo products?
Like the question suggests, I have been hearing a lot about how Chinese companies are legally required to collect and provide information to the Chinese government if they have the ability. I've heard mention of people being hesitant to buy Huawei devices because of this, and they are banned from being sold in several countries.Note: I know very little about this, just what I've read here and there so I may be mistaken.But if we are worried about Huawei, why are we also not worried about Lenovo? For example, I know most large companies (including at least two huge banks in Canada and the US) who use exclusively Lenovo (Lenovo being a company based out of Hong Kong) products. Am I the only one who feels like that could be really dangerous if all this is true? Is anyone able to explain why there is no need to be concerned about it?May not be the best subreddit, kind of still new to this so let me know of it's in the wrong spot! via /r/technology http://bit.ly/2WQvSt7