NVIDIA: We’re inventing new headset technology that will replace modern VR’s bulky headsets with thin glasses driven by lasers and holograms

Some few other interesting quotes from their RoadToVR article:Our vision is that VR will be the interface to all computing. It will replace cell phone displays, computer monitors and keyboards, televisions and remotes, and automobile dashboards. To keep terminology simple, we use VR as shorthand for supporting all virtual experiences, whether or not you can also see the real world through the display.We’re inventing new headset technology that will replace modern VR’s bulky headsets with thin glasses driven by lasers and holograms. They’ll be as widespread as tablets, phones, and laptops, and even easier to operate. They’ll switch between AR/VR/MR modes instantly. And they’ll be powered by new GPUs and graphics software that will be almost unrecognizably different from today’s technology. via /r/technology http://ift.tt/2BGkZmc

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