
The Real Side of Fake News: How Reddit Enables Propaganda Through Anonymity

Elizabeth Warren wants to reinstate the Office of Technology Assessment

Researchers easily breached voting machines for the 2020 election - The 'ethical hackers' bought a bunch of the machines on eBay and broke into every one.

To curb lobbying power, Elizabeth Warren wants to reinstate the Office of Technology Assessment

Van Attacker Who Allegedly Killed 10 in Toronto Says He Was Radicalized on Reddit and 4Chan

Texas could get more power from wind than coal next year — a new milestone in an energy revolution

Whistleblower case opens window into secret computer systems

Google Makes It More Difficult To Find Old Images

New video by The King of Random on YouTube

Researchers Assembled over 100 Voting Machines. Hackers Broke into Every Single One.

Study Proves The FCC's Core Justification For Killing Net Neutrality Was False - The biggest study yet finds Ajit Pai’s repeated claims that net neutrality hurt broadband investment have never been true.