
Experts call for ban on glass skyscrapers to save energy in climate crisis - Air conditioning is used to avoid greenhouse effect but cooling buildings adds to carbon emissions

YouTubers Team Up With Europe's Largest Trade Union To Demand the Platform Stop Screwing Them Over

Government Encryption Backdoors Still Impossible and Pointless, Experts Say

Wikipedia picture of the day on July 29, 2019: Eharo mask from...

UK made illegal copies and mismanaged Schengen travelers database | ZDNet

EIB plans to cut all funding for fossil fuel projects by 2020.

New video by The King of Random on YouTube

Robotic contact lens that allows users to zoom in by blinking eyes revealed by scientists

Why we should be very scared by the intrusive menace of facial recognition - When even Microsoft starts calling for government regulation, you know the technology is a problem

Fossil fuel vehicles hitting a dead end in Europe’s city centers

Ohio just passed the worst energy bill of the 21st century - A corrupt bailout for dinosaur power plants that screws renewable energy in the process.