
'Call their bluff': Shut down social media platforms, ex-Facebook adviser urges

A True Story Of 'Copyright Piracy': Why The Verve Will Only Start Getting Royalties Now For Bittersweet Symphony

Spies with that? Police can snoop on McDonald's and Westfield wifi customers: Documents reveal rushed encryption legislation allows police to compel wifi providers to turn over information about users

MacKenzie Bezos just pledged to give away half her fortune during her lifetime, something Jeff Bezos, the richest person in the world, has avoided doing

If Regulators Won’t Stop The Sale of Cell Phone Users’ Location Data, Consumers Must

More than 1,700 people walking on a University of Colorado campus were unknowingly photographed as part of a facial recognition research project

Chinese military to replace Windows OS amid fears of US hacking

New video by The King of Random on YouTube

Nuclear power decline ‘would lead to increased emissions’: IEA

Mark Zuckerberg Will Be Served a Summons If He Sets Foot In Canada - The Facebook founder and CEO Sheryl Sandberg snubbed international lawmakers, again, at a committee hearing in Canada on Tuesday.

Global angst over plastic waste spurs Japan to act on packaging