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YouTube to make all originals available for ad-supported free viewing

Latest Windows 10 update breaks Windows Media Player, Win32 apps in general

DC lawmakers vote for 100 percent clean power by 2032

How the falling cost of solar panels can teach us to make new tech affordable - Module efficiency was the first cost saver, economies of scale were the second.

“When You Get That Wealthy, You Start to Buy Your Own Bullshit”: The Miseducation of Sheryl Sandberg

Eight People Are Facing Charges As A Result Of The FBI’s Biggest-Ever Ad Fraud Investigation

I still miss my headphone jack, and I want it back

Wikipedia picture of the day on November 28, 2018: The Albert...

Consumer Groups Say FCC Weakening Oversight Of Cell Carriers Under Pretense Of Battling Text Message Spam

Google employees: We no longer believe the company places values over profits