
New video by The King of Random on YouTube

It will take weeks for the Mat-Su Borough to restore all of its services after cyber attack

20 Samsung SmartThings Hub vulnerabilities jeopardized smart homes

Lonely, anxious narcissists are at high risk of Facebook addiction

Robots Wielding Water Knives Are the Future of Farming

Twitter’s cleanup effort continues: It suspended more than 143,000 developer apps last quarter

Snoopware installed by 11 million+ iOS, Android, Chrome, and Firefox users

Post-GDPR: What’s left to do?

Tech companies can bid on the Pentagon’s $10 billion cloud contract, starting today – TechCrunch

For Facebook and Twitter, reality is hitting hard: After years of unchecked harassment and abuse, social media's reckoning has arrived

After Telecom Regulator's Aadhaar Challenge, His Personal Details Leaked