
Trump administration is thinking about nationalizing 5G mobile network

Elon Musk sold $2M in The Boring Company Flamethrowers in 24 hours

Sonos Closes Its Flagship Store in New York to Support Net Neutrality

Wikipedia picture of the day on January 29, 2018: A local train...

EIA Expects Wind Energy To Surpass Hydro In 2019 - “The US Energy Information Administration has this week predicted that electricity generated from wind energy will surpass that from hydroelectricity, the previously-dominant renewable energy source in the US.”

Apple iOs 11.3 : iphone automatically sends location to emergency services

Trump’s solar decision hurts disadvantaged communities

Intel Warned Chinese Companies of Chip Flaws Before U.S. Government

Fitness tracking app gives away location of secret US army bases

U.S. to make streaming services pay more for music

Upcoming GPS Outage in Western U.S. Could Mean Back to Basics