
Wikipedia picture of the day on January 9, 2020: Paradise...

Appeals Court Smacks Down Patent Troll Blackbird, Orders It To Pay $363k In Attorneys Fees To Company It Sued

Three years after the W3C approved a DRM standard, it's no longer possible to make a functional indie browser

Blackout Bug: Boeing 737 cockpit screens go blank if pilots land on specific runways

Apple privacy officer says that ‘building back doors’ to access iPhone data won’t help solve crimes

Unable to unlock gunman’s iPhones, the FBI (once again) asks for Apple’s help

Apple scans iCloud photos to check for child abuse.

'Extreme privilege': Ivanka Trump faces backlash over keynote speech at CES | Technology

TikTok says it will explicitly ban Holocaust denial and other conspiracy theories denying violent events

Lab-grown food will soon destroy farming – and save the planet. Scientists are replacing crops and livestock with food made from microbes and water. It may save humanity’s bacon

Israeli cybersecurity company found serious vulnerabilities in TikTok.