
Mozilla pushes Firefox 72 with fingerprinting blocked by default

Dating apps need women. Advertisers need diversity. AI companies offer a solution: Fake people

Bots and trolls spread false arson claims in Australian fires ‘disinformation campaign’ - Online posts exaggerating the role of arson are being used to undermine the link between bushfires and climate change

Wikipedia picture of the day on January 8, 2020: Amphoras of the...

Bots Are Destroying Political Discourse As We Know It. They’re mouthpieces for foreign actors, domestic political groups, even the candidates themselves. And soon you won’t be able to tell they’re bots.

US finally prohibits ISPs from charging for routers they don’t provide - Yes, we needed a law to ban rental fees for devices that customers own in full

New video by The King of Random on YouTube

A two-legged delivery robot has gone on sale—and Ford is the first customer

Facebook just banned deepfakes, but the policy has loopholes — and a widely-circulated deepfake of Mark Zuckerberg is allowed to stay up

Ivanka Trump’s CES keynote address sparks backlash

Scientists Have Created the First 'Chemical Turing Machine' - Inspired by the computing powers of biological cells, researchers have demonstrated a general-purpose computer that relies on only a handful of chemicals.