
Scientists Have Created the First 'Chemical Turing Machine' - Inspired by the computing powers of biological cells, researchers have demonstrated a general-purpose computer that relies on only a handful of chemicals.

Major union launches campaign to organize video game and tech workers

The head of CES defended inviting Ivanka Trump as a keynote speaker by saying she's done 'great work'

AMD’s new 64-core Threadripper CPU will cost nearly $4,000 for the performance

Britain’s electricity since 2010: wind surges to second place, coal collapses and fossil fuel use nearly halves

For tech-weary Midwest farmers, 40-year-old tractors now a hot commodity

Airbnb has patented software that digs through social media to root out people who display 'narcissism or psychopathy'

TV Ratings Sag As Cord Cutting Continues To Surge

To fight disinformation, we need to weaponise the truth - The most dangerous form of cyberwar is the accelerating war to hijack our minds and belief systems

New demand for very old farm tractors specifically because they're low tech

Amazon Ring isn’t even good at pretending to care about your privacy and safety