
New demand for very old farm tractors specifically because they're low tech

Amazon Ring isn’t even good at pretending to care about your privacy and safety

Facebook data misuse and voter manipulation back in the frame with latest Cambridge Analytica leaks

Ditching coal in the US is saving lives, helping crops - Near shuttered plants, deaths drop and crop productivity rises.

Fisker's Ocean electric SUV will sell for $37,499, include Karaoke mode

Tesla will protect bicyclists from “dooring” in future OTA update, notes Elon Musk

First Commercial Electric Plane Takes Off In Canada

Sacha Baron Cohen satirically described Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg as a 'naive, misguided child who spreads Nazi propaganda'

Golden Globes host Ricky Gervais roasted Apple for its 'Chinese sweatshops' in front of hordes of celebrities as Tim Cook watched from the audience

Alienated, Alone And Angry: What The Digital Revolution Really Did To Us: We were promised community, civics, and convenience. Instead, we found ourselves dislocated, distrustful, and disengaged

Bosch's LCD Car Visor Only Blocks Your View of the Road Where the Sun Is In Your Eyes