
India’s ruling party running deceptive Twitter campaign to gain support for a controversial law

Wi-Fi Alliance® brings Wi-Fi 6 into 6 GHz

Cutting battery industry's reliance on cobalt will be an uphill task - Electric cars and consumer electronics use mineral mined in exploitative conditions in Congo

Fukushima unveils plans to become renewable energy hub - Japan aims to power region, scene of 2011 meltdown, with 100% renewable energy by 2040

Wikipedia picture of the day on January 6, 2020: Altar of the...

Rethinking tech's Wild West: San Francisco requires new permits

Samsung's latest 8K TVs will include 4K over-the-air tuners - ATSC 3.0 will give you much sharper-looking free broadcasts.

New video by The King of Random on YouTube

Democracies Can Become Digital Dictators

How Big Tech Is Turning New York Into a Silicon Valley Rival

The world’s first automated high-speed rail line and train.