
CES chief defends invite for Ivanka Trump - The man in charge of next week's giant CES tech expo has said that Ivanka Trump has done "great work" and will help it focus attendees' minds on job-related issues for the future.

'Iran' launches cyber-attack on US govt website; 'We're always ready'

Analysis: Why unionization in tech could actually gain traction in 2020

Police Tracked a Terror Suspect — Until His Phone Went Dark After a Facebook Warning

FCC says it will accept comments until February 3 on Huawei, ZTE security risks

US limits AI exports over fears it will fall into Chinese hands - Companies will need a license to send certain software abroad.

Nearly the whole US military has banned TikTok - The Air Force and Coast Guard also believe the app is a security risk.

How to Secure Your Wi-Fi Router and Protect Your Home Network

Google really is listening and recording on apps

New video by The King of Random on YouTube

Cloud flaws expose millions of child-tracking smartwatches