
Wikipedia picture of the day on January 2, 2020: Sunset in the...

How We Got the Always-On Job - The decade we got the gig economy, hustle culture, and algorithmic bosses.

Traced Act law signed in bid to help put an end to robocalls

Why an internet that never forgets is especially bad for young people

U.S. Chief Justice John Roberts warns of social media's danger to democracy

AI system outperforms experts in spotting breast cancer. Program developed by Google Health tested on mammograms of UK and US women.

DNA analysis revealed the identity of 19th century “Connecticut vampire”

Thousands of Google cafeteria staff have unionized, and it's the latest group of Google's 'shadow workforce' to join a union

Google veterans: The company has become ‘unrecognizable’

No foolin‘—the 2010s were a crazy decade for tech: Spaceflight lived, software ownership died, and net neutrality lived and died.

Trump Runs Facebook Ads in Spanish Despite Saying 'This is a Country Where We Speak English, Not Spanish'