
Courts Grapple with a Sea Change in Fourth Amendment Law After Carpenter v US: Year in Review 2019

10 ways North Korea uses technology to keep its citizens in the dark about the outside world

New video by The King of Random on YouTube

Non-smokers and teens take up vaping: study blames ads

Tidal forces carry the mathematical signature of gravitational waves

New Zealand electrician paid £12,000 compensation after being fired for refusing to submit to face scan

U.S. companies are forcing workers to train their own foreign replacements

We've spent the decade letting our tech define us. It's out of control - Technology has grown from some devices and platforms we use to an entire environment in which we function

Flash Forest aims to use drones to plant a billion trees by 2028

Kenya installs the first solar plant that transforms Ocean water into drinking water

The smartphone tracking industry has been rumbled. Now we must act - Shadowy firms collect detailed data on where we go and who we meet through our apps. Yet where is the protest that would fuel change?