
Thousands of Disney Plus accounts are up for sale on hacking forums

Firefox’s fight for the future of the web

New video by The King of Random on YouTube

Some Fitbit users say they're getting rid of the devices because they don't trust Google

Sasha Sagan: It's time for secular people to stop settling for pseudoscience - "Science isn't thought of as romantic, but it should be."

The newest gene editor radically improves on CRISPR

Phineas Fisher Offers $100,000 Bounty to Hack Banks and Oil Companies: It’s a reward for hacktivists and criminals who break into capitalist institutions, offered by one of the most infamous hackers of all time.

Firefox’s fight for the future of the web - With Google’s Chrome dominating the market, not-for-profit rival Mozilla is staking a comeback on its dedication to privacy

146 New Vulnerabilities All Come Preinstalled on Android Phones

Chrome, Edge, Safari hacked at elite Chinese hacking contest.

Anti-robocall bill likely as House, Senate reach compromise