
Wikipedia picture of the day on November 16, 2019: Altar at Holy...

Wikipedia's Jimmy Wales has quietly launched a Facebook rival social network

The NSA has stopped collecting location data from US cellphones without a warrant

New video by The King of Random on YouTube

Wikipedia co-founder wants to give you an alternative to Facebook and Twitter

Tim Armstrong: The direct-to-consumer movement will be the replacement for retail issues

Facial recognition protesters put smartphones on their heads to scan the faces of 13,000 Washington DC inhabitants

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is the single leading source of anti-vax ads on Facebook

FCC sued by dozens of cities after voting to kill local fees and rules - Cities challenge FCC vote to preempt local fees and broadband regulations.

Wikipedia's Jimmy Wales has launched an alternative to Facebook and Twitter

Facebook risks employee unrest with its sponsorship of an event featuring Brett Kavanaugh as a speaker