
Edward Snowden says ‘the most powerful institutions in society have become the least accountable’

Blizzard apologised for mishandling the 'Hearthstone' Hong Kong controversy, but won't lift its ban on the pro-gamer who spoke out in support of the protests

Facebook Isn’t Just Allowing Lies, It’s Prioritizing Them

Edward Snowden says Facebook, Amazon and Google engage in 'abuse'

Edward Snowden: 'It is not data that is being exploited, it’s people'

Ex-Facebook head says company 'profits partly by amplifying lies.'

Wikipedia picture of the day on November 5, 2019: A specimen of...

Too Many Streaming Services, New Consumer Study Finds - Expense a concern, says TV Time and UTA IQ report

TikTok and Apple decline to testify over China

DirecTV, Comcast face investigation and possible fines for “deceptive” fees

I worked on political ads at Facebook. They profit by manipulating us.