
Wikipedia picture of the day on November 2, 2019: Female Pied...

New video by The King of Random on YouTube

Why a top content moderation company quit the business instead of fixing its problems: Cognizant’s decision to lay off 6,000 people — and give up hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue — demonstrates how hard this job is

Man Sues Twitter For $1 Billion Claiming His Account's Suspension Violated His Right To Worship President Trump As A Demigod

Undercover reporter reveals life in a Polish troll farm - Katarzyna Pruszkiewicz spent six months running fake social media accounts at self-described ‘ePR firm’ in Wrocław

Google buys Fitbit for $2.1 billion

It’s been a year since 20,000 Google employees walked off the job. And they’re madder than ever. The search giant’s workers have become more political and critical, and they show no signs of quieting down — despite management’s efforts to rein in the debate.

Russia Is About to Disconnect From the Internet: What That Means

ACLU sues FBI, DOJ over facial-recognition technology, criticizing ‘unprecedented’ surveillance and secrecy

After layoffs and a PR disaster, some Blizzard employees are dreading BlizzCon

Cirrus’ Private Jet Can Now Land Itself, No Pilot Needed: The Safe Return Emergency Autoland System lets passengers hit a big red button to bring the plane to safety if the pilot's incapacitated.