
One of America’s Largest Publishers Is Screwing Over Libraries - Libraries are fighting Macmillan Publishers over an ebook embargo that would make borrowing new ebooks much harder for folks.

After 10 failed logins, Giuliani had Apple Store wipe his iPhone: Report - The 2017 incident occurred shortly after Trump named Rudy cybersecurity advisor.

The Feds are building an America-wide face surveillance system – and we're going to court to prove it, says ACLU

Edward Snowden says Facebook is just as untrustworthy as the NSA

Report: Rudy Giuliani went to San Francisco Apple Store for iPhone help after being named Trump cybersecurity advisor - had entered password incorrectly 10 times

‘Sexual’ use of eggplant and peach emojis banned on Facebook, Instagram

Wikipedia picture of the day on November 1, 2019: Stone house on...

A Facebook content moderation vendor is quitting the business after two Verge investigations - Moderators complained of filthy offices and severe mental health strain

Younger Americans are willing to pay twice as much as their parents for clean energy

Aaron Sorkin: An Open Letter to Mark Zuckerberg

The FBI is Tracking Our Faces in Secret. We’re Suing.