
The creators of HBO's 'Silicon Valley' say the tech industry's lack of self-awareness is what makes it a good punchline — and explain why there's no WeWork episode

Renata Ávila: "The Internet of creation disappeared. Now we have the Internet of surveillance and control”

New video by The King of Random on YouTube

Firefox to get page translation feature, like Chrome

Amazon is shipping expired food, from baby formula to old beef jerky, scaring consumers and putting big brands at risk

Apple’s Tencent privacy controversy is more complicated than it looks

Bitcoin transactions were used to track down the 23-year-old South Korean operating a global child exploitation site from his bedroom

Facebook isn’t free speech, it’s algorithmic amplification optimized for outrage

Facebook no longer among 10 most valuable global brands

News Corp to supply headlines for Facebook's upcoming news tab

Colleges and universities are tracking potential applicants when they visit their websites, including how much time they spend on financial aid pages