
Blizzard employees walked out in protest following pro-Hong Kong player ban

Facebook Shouldn't Give Politicians More Power Than Ordinary Users

There's A Blizzard Boycott Movement After A "Hearthstone" Player Was Suspended For Supporting Hong Kong Protesters

Three scientists have been awarded the 2019 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for the development of lithium-ion batteries. The Nobel Committee said the device "created a rechargeable world".

Blizzard's Hong Kong Screw-Up Is Officially an International Incident

China attacks Apple for allowing Hong Kong crowdsourced police activity app

Unlike Blizzard, Epic Games says it won’t ban players for political speech

Court rules the FCC can't block state net neutrality laws

If you are boycotting Blizzard you should also boycott Activision

Mozilla wins lawsuit against FCC. States allowed rights to set net neutrality laws

Remember the FBI's promise it wasn’t abusing the NSA’s data on US citizens? Well, guess what…