
Fake net neutrality remarks: the most prolific "political impersonation in US history"

Victory! EFF Wins Access to License Plate Reader Data to Study How Law Enforcement Uses the Privacy Invasive Technology

60 Amazon Workers Walked Out Over Warehouse Working Conditions - They are asking for better pay on the night shift and better working conditions. It's the second work stoppage at a Minnesota fulfillment center in the last two months.

The Biggest Quantum Breakthrough Yet—Literally - For the first time ever, physicists tested the phenomenon of quantum superposition using molecules. That's a big deal.

Apple rejected an app in Hong Kong that helped protesters track police activity

Yes, computers really are taking jobs from humans — especially in banking: Study shows automation and artificial intelligence will cut 10% of banking jobs alone

New video by The King of Random on YouTube

The New Way To Hack Democracy: How Political Operators Are Impersonating Real Americans To Flood The Government With Fake Comments

Study: Americans believe social networks make the news worse - But more people get news from these sites than ever before.

He Couldn't Find His Grandmother During Hurricane Maria—Until He Flew His Drone Over Her House: Now, developer Pedro Cruz has created a software platform to help victims of other natural disasters, like Hurricane Dorian.

California Will Have an Open Internet - And so will lots of other states, despite the F.C.C.’s decision.