
Dutch police take down hornets' nest of DDoS botnets

OzoneAI wants companies to pay you for your data, upending the ad model

Netflix consumes 15% of the world’s global internet traffic. Following Netflix, miscellaneous video embeds on websites takes up 13.1% of all internet traffic, while YouTube takes up 11.4% and general web browsing takes up 7.8%.

Google Chrome's non-optional GoogleSoftwareUpdate is responsible for a wave of unbootable Macs

Trolls will use fake videos and other new tricks to try and sway the 2020 election, warns Alphabet researcher

Trump's video taken off Twitter after band Nickelback complains

How ICE Picks Its Targets in the Surveillance Age. After two officers came to a Pacific Northwest community, longtime residents began to disappear — a testament to the agency’s quiet embrace of big data.

Samsung ends mobile phone production in China

Court says FCC’s ‘unhinged’ net neutrality repeal can’t stop state laws

AMD Ryzen Pro 3000 series desktop CPUs will offer full RAM encryption

Why Ajit Pai’s “unhinged” net neutrality repeal was upheld by judges: Judges reluctantly accepted claim that broadband isn't "telecommunications."