
Apple would have paid $1.4 billion more last year under Sanders’ income inequality tax plan

Woman who sleeps in $500 EMF-blocking sack wants area-wide Wi-Fi limits - Seems like a good time to remember that EMF sensitivities are not real.

Household appliances will become easier to repair thanks to new standards being adopted across the European Union. From 2021, firms will have to make appliances longer-lasting, and they will have to supply spare parts for machines for up to 10 years.

Twitter Is OK With A Pro-Trump Militia's Tweets About A "Full-Blown 'Hot' Civil War"

Tech companies are quietly phasing out a major privacy safeguard: More and more companies are failing to issue transparency reports to tell consumers how much of their information governments have demanded.

Fugitive on run for 17 years found living in cave by a drone - Chinese police have arrested a fugitive who'd been on the run for 17 years, after they used drones to spot his cave hideout.

Inside the new Uber: Weak coffee, vanishing perks and fast-deflating morale

Artificial blood developed for patients of any blood type

Facebook Touts Bans While Taking Hate Groups’ Cash

Watch Steve Jobs Assure Americans in 1981 That Computers Wouldn't Be a Privacy Nightmare

Wikipedia picture of the day on October 1, 2019: The...