
Samsung SSDs open a new chapter with fail-in-place

A deepfake pioneer says 'perfectly real' manipulated videos are just 6 months away

Edward Snowden in His Own Words: Why I Became a Whistle-Blower

California Is Investing $95 Million Into Clean Transportation

Drones could help during your next car breakdown - A towing company in Texas plans to use drones to assess situations before sending a truck.

TiVo says all retail DVR owners will see ads before recorded shows - The ads should reach eligible devices within 90 days.

Apple neutered ad blockers in Safari, but unlike Chrome, users didn't say a thing

Australia will help NASA go to the Moon and Mars - The country is spending $150 million for the collaboration.

Renewable energy is now a compelling alternative as it costs less than fossil fuels. “for two-thirds of the world, renewables are cheaper than a significant amount of carbon-based energy, so it isn’t just an argument of environment, it’s now just pure economics,”

The solar industry has grown exponentially thanks to plain old solar panels

Twitter Bans Saudi Official Implicated in Khashoggi Murder, Hundreds of Other Pro-Saudi Accounts