
New video by The King of Random on YouTube

Google reportedly attains 'quantum supremacy': The quantum computer's processor allowed a calculation to be performed in just over 3 minutes. That calculation would take 10,000 years on IBM's Summit, the world's most powerful commercial computer

11% of the Military Budget Could Fund Enough Renewable Energy for Every Home in the US

TiVo tests running pre-roll ads before DVR recordings - That’s not how DVRs are supposed to work

Twitter bans thousands of state-backed accounts spreading misinformation

'I Agree to the Terms and Conditions:' One of the Largest Lies in Tech

PayPal reinstates controversial policy of pocketing fees from refunds

Serbian journalists expose a ruling party bot application used to manipulate readers' comments on media websites

In tech 'awakening,' U.S. workers at Google, Amazon join climate protests

Twitter Suspends Account of Former Adviser to Saudi Crown Prince

An AI learned to play hide-and-seek. The strategies it came up with were astounding.