
French court rules that Steam’s ban on reselling used games is contrary to European law - Valve pledges to fight ruling

Edward Snowden Speaks Out: 'I Haven't And I Won't' Cooperate With Russia

A strange Twitter glitch is censoring the left — and no one knows if it's a bug or a feature - Twitter is mum about a well-documented "bug" that seems to prevent verified accounts from getting ratioed

Australia’s capital city switches to 100% renewable energy - Canberra will be the first major region in the Southern Hemisphere to purchase all its energy from renewable sources.

Employee dies at Facebook's Silicon Valley headquarters in apparent suicide

Comcast promised not to raise prices—guess what happened next

California Governor Signs Law Protecting Gig Economy Workers

Silicon Valley is terrified of California’s privacy law. Good.

Google paid female engineering director less, demoted her for complaining: gender-discrimination lawsuit

New video by The King of Random on YouTube

Solar and Wind Power So Cheap They’re Outgrowing Subsidies - The cost of wind power has fallen about 50% since 2010. Solar has dropped 85%. That makes them cheaper than new coal and gas plants in two-thirds of the world