
Hotel Lobbyists Push Forward Their Plan To Kill The Internet Because They Hate Competing Against Airbnb

Information gerrymandering in social networks skews collective decision-making: "An analysis shows that information flow between individuals in a social network can be ‘gerrymandered’ to skew perceptions of how others in the community will vote — which can alter the outcomes of elections."

Don't be fooled by Gmail's promise for confidential emails.

NY Payroll Company Vanishes With $35 Million

iFixit gives Fairphone 3 a perfect 10 for repairability

Google bans ads for unproven medical treatments

Make broadband an essential service, rural community leader urges province - Caledon Mayor Allan Thompson says internet is similar to clean water, hydro, health care, education

Trump administration considers monitoring smartphones of people with mental health problems

New AI neural network approach detects heart failure from a single heartbeat with 100% accuracy

California is close to reclassifying gig economy workers as employees - It's now headed to State Assembly and waiting for the governor's signature.

Weakness in Intel chips lets researchers steal encrypted SSH keystrokes