
Weakness in Intel chips lets researchers steal encrypted SSH keystrokes

Someone Just Moved a Billion Dollars in Bitcoin & No One Knows Why

The iPhone 11, Pro, and Pro Max will cost $699, $999, and $1,099 respectively

California Passes Landmark Bill to Remake Gig Economy - Requires companies like Uber and Lyft to treat contract workers as employees

Uber Lays Off Hundreds More Workers as It Struggles to Make Money

Google collects face data now. Here's what it means and how to opt out

51 companies tell Congress it's time to tackle data privacy

Victory! California's Legislature Pulls AT&T and Comcast Bill That Protected Their Monopolies

Zero gravity kills cancer cells | After just one day in zero gravity conditions, researchers found over 80% of cancer cells died in a trial. Now, their plan is to send them to space. The initial results confirm earlier findings from German researchers.

Trump defends lightbulb efficiency rollback: 'I look better under an incandescent light'

New video by The King of Random on YouTube