
Amazon plans hand-recognition payment system: Next-generation biometric technology could be introduced to Whole Foods stores in the US later this year

Firefox will encrypt web domain name requests by default - You can expect to see DNS over HTTPS by the end of September.

What if aging weren’t inevitable, but a curable disease?

US to collect social media profiles from immigrants, asylum seekers, and refugees (not just visa applicants)

EA Received A Guinness World Record For Most Downvoted Comment In Reddit History

Facebook quietly ditched the 'It’s free and always will be' slogan from its homepage

Director of M.I.T.’s Media Lab Resigns After Outcry Over Jeffrey Epstein Ties

Robot Helps Perform First Long-Distance Heart Surgery The surgeon operated the controls from a room 20 miles away.

Apple takes flak for disputing iOS security bombshell dropped by Google. Apple statement alienates the security community when the company needs it most.

New video by The King of Random on YouTube

Automatic Listening Exploitation Act would fine a company $40K for each recording their smart home device makes without a user’s permission