
Apple takes flak for disputing iOS security bombshell dropped by Google. Apple statement alienates the security community when the company needs it most.

New video by The King of Random on YouTube

Automatic Listening Exploitation Act would fine a company $40K for each recording their smart home device makes without a user’s permission

Facebook broke democracy — now it's coming for your marriage | The "Secret Crushes" feature on Facebook Dating seems — hmm, tailor-made for those considering steppin' out

Facebook's Dating Service is Full of Red Flags

Unsolicited nudes detected and deleted by AI - Software that can detect and delete unsolicited penis pictures sent via private messages on Twitter is being developed by researchers in Seattle.

The Many Ways Planned Obsolescence Is Sabotaging How We Preserve Internet History

Cops Digitally Erase Suspect's Facial Tattoos To Make Him Look More Like The Robbery Suspect Caught On Camera

Google Maps Is Still Directing Women Seeking Abortions to Pro-Life Clinics — and a Memorial for the ‘Unborn’

Wikipedia is intermittently down due to a DDOS attack

DOJ launches probe of automakers that agreed to California emissions rules