
Google Is Promoting Climate Change Denialism On Its Apps And Its Mobile Homepage

8chan ‘has no intent of deleting constitutionally protected hate speech,’ owner will tell Congress - The private testimony is slated for today

How "Information Gerrymandering” Influences Voters

Why Fast Food Is the Ticking Time Bomb of Job Automation

Crops under solar panels can be a win-win - In dry places, photovoltaic shade can even reduce water use

Volkswagen will help turn old Beetles and microbuses electric

Facebook doesn't care about your mental health

T-Mobile Metro stores sell used phones as new, charge “fake taxes,” NYC says

One More Time: Just Because The Internet Didn't Explode Doesn't Mean Killing Net Neutrality Was A Great Idea

The US government isn’t ready to regulate the internet. Today’s Google fine shows why. YouTube will pay $170 million to settle charges it violated kids’ privacy and a 1998 law. That’s a pittance.

CEO ‘Deep Fake’ Swindles Company Out of $243k: using an AI-powered deep fake of a chief executive’s voice