
Phone numbers for as many as 419 million Facebook users were reportedly found sitting online in a file where anybody could have found them

Trump Didn’t Create Our Face Recognition Nightmare, He’s Just Expanding It - Biometric systems used by ICE to round up migrants and separate families didn’t come from nowhere. They’ve been built over decades by both parties.

Pressured By 'Right To Repair' Movement, Apple Will Sell Parts To Independent Repair Shops

Senator: Mark Zuckerberg should face "the possibility of a prison term" for repeatedly lying to the American people about their privacy

The STRONGER Patents Act Would Make Bad Patents Stronger Than Ever

Brave uncovers Google’s GDPR workaround

Trump Administration Rolls Back Rules Requiring More Energy-Efficient Bulbs

USB4 devices are clear to roll out next year

YouTube will pay $170 million to settle claims it violated child privacy laws

Mozilla won't follow Google in limiting APIs in coming Extensions Manifest v3

Electric Car Charge Posts To Be Installed In Every New Home In England