
Apple iOS compromise widespread in Xinjiang also affected Android and Windows PCs - but Google's Project Zero did not disclose these findings

We got inside New York City's first-ever Amazon fulfillment center, where thousands of people work in a building large enough for 18 football fields

Warning Issued For Millions Of Microsoft Windows 10 Users

Amateurs Identify U.S. Spy Satellite Behind President Trump's Tweet

Ku Klux Klan donation account suspended by PayPal - PayPal suspended an account used to raise funds by one of the US's largest white supremacist groups six days after it was first flagged by an anti-bigotry campaigner.

Another convincing deepfake app goes viral prompting immediate privacy backlash

Woman is first to receive cornea made from ‘reprogrammed’ stem cells

Google is trying to patent use of a data compression algorithm that the real inventor had already dedicated to the public domain. This week, the U.S. Patent Office issued a non-final rejection of all claims in Google’s application.

Tesla Batteries Are Keeping Zimbabwe’s Economy Running

California approves program to electrify 3,000 trucks and buses

Google is helping to power a US immigration cloud project, new documents show