
New video by The King of Random on YouTube

Apple reverses stance on iPhone repairs and will supply parts to independent shops for the first time

NASA has officially attached a helicopter to the Mars 2020 Rover. The chopper aims to be the first aircraft to take flight on another planet.

The Scottish government to provide millions in funding for floating tidal turbine

The Myth of Consumer-Grade Security

Hey, it's 2019. Quit making battery-draining webpages – say makers of webpage-displaying battery-powered kit

WeWork Sued By Landlord For Allegedly Making $150 Million Disappear | Dealbreaker

Illinois County to Use Algorithm to Automatically Expunge Old Marijuana Convictions

Amazon reportedly kept a 'burn book' of all the mean things politicians said about it during the HQ2 fight with New York City

Netflix-like pirate sites offered more video than the real Netflix, feds say

DARPA is seeking giant abandoned tunnels for... reasons.