
DARPA is seeking giant abandoned tunnels for... reasons.

Warren Blames ISPs, FCC, for Digital Divide - Said answer is 'public broadband' option

Cops Hijack Botnet, Remotely Wipe Malware From 850,000 Computers

Google to move the production of most of its American-bound hardware out of China

Wikipedia picture of the day on August 29, 2019: Misumena vatia,...

The Extortion Economy: How Insurance Companies Are Fueling a Rise in Ransomware Attacks

Bernie Sanders: The media has become gossip, clickbait and punditry. This threatens democracy

Cable industry fights plan to require robocall-detection technology

Revenge porn victim wins $3.2 million in judgement against her ex-husband and his new girlfriend

Lip-reading CCTV will have people 'cupping hands over their mouths' in street, warns surveillance watchdog

Doorbell-camera firm Ring has partnered with 400 police forces, extending surveillance reach