
Amazon’s Ring Barred Cops From Using 'Surveillance' to Describe Its Products

Microsoft Contractors Listened to Xbox Owners in Their Homes

Instagram censors Melbourne artist's anti-Beijing post but ignores trolls - Badiucao accuses the social media firm of violating the free speech of people who speak up against China’s bullying

YouTube's New Lawsuit Shows Just How Far Copyright Trolls Have to Go Before They're Stopped

Communities Across the Country Reject Automated License Plate Readers

Ring asks police not to tell public how its law enforcement backend works

YouTube pressured to ban Chinese state media ads that spread misinformation about protesters

Wikipedia picture of the day on August 22, 2019: Laetiporus...

Training bias in AI "hate speech detector" means that tweets by Black people are far more likely to be censored

Google, Mozilla, Apple Block Kazakhstan's Root CA Certificate to Prevent Spying

China Cries Foul Over Facebook, Twitter Block of Fake Accounts