
Former Siri chief is leaving Apple to join Microsoft’s AI division

New Wireless Health Sensor made by Stanford researchers that sticks to your Skin can monitor your physiological signals and send them directly to your smartphone.

Twitter Shuts Down 200,000 Chinese Accounts for Spreading Disinformation About Hong Kong Protests

Facebook and Twitter Say China Is Spreading Disinformation in Hong Kong

China Attacks Hong Kong Protesters With Fake Social Posts

Trump tweets without evidence that Google ‘manipulated’ votes in the 2016 election and ‘should be sued’

Twit­ter Inc. took down more than 900 ac­counts linked to the Chi­nese gov­ern­ment that were spread­ing false or mis­lead­ing po­lit­i­cal in­for­ma­tion about the protests in Hong Kong, the com­pany said Mon­day

Amazon is passing along costs of a new digital tax to thousands of French sellers

YouTube sues alleged copyright troll over extortion of multiple YouTubers

Facebook, Twitter accuse China of running disinformation campaign against Hong Kong protesters

Bernie Sanders just called for a ban on law enforcement use of facial recognition. Every other 2020 candidate should do the same.