
Facebook, Twitter accuse China of running disinformation campaign against Hong Kong protesters

Bernie Sanders just called for a ban on law enforcement use of facial recognition. Every other 2020 candidate should do the same.

Bernie Sanders calls for a ban on police use of facial recognition

SF is home to the world's oldest webcam. After 25 years, it's being switched off.

As The NSA Declares Phone Record Program Dead, Trump Administration Asks For A Permanent Reauthorization

Twitter ran paid ads from China's state news media criticising the Hong Kong protests

MIT experts find a way to reduce video stream buffering on busy WiFi

Wireless Carrier Throttling of Online Video Is Pervasive: Study

Trump says Tim Cook made ‘good case’ that trade war helps Samsung over Apple

Twitter is displaying China-made ads attacking Hong Kong protesters

The Autocrat’s New Tool Kit - The next generation of repressive technology will make past efforts to spread propaganda and quash dissent look primitive.