
The Autocrat’s New Tool Kit - The next generation of repressive technology will make past efforts to spread propaganda and quash dissent look primitive.

Facial recognition is now rampant. The implications for our freedom are chilling

We talked to the professor who fought Cambridge Analytica to get his data back in Netflix's 'The Great Hack' about why privacy rights in the US are lagging behind the rest of the world

Version Museum - cool archive showcases the visual history of popular websites, operating systems, applications, and games that have shaped our lives

Wikipedia picture of the day on August 19, 2019: Koppie foam...

Most states still aren’t set to audit paper ballots in 2020 - Despite expert recommendations

Most detailed ever 3D map of Milky Way shows 'warped' shape

Engineered cyanobacteria turn carbon dioxide into petrol substitute

New video by The King of Random on YouTube

Mind-reading technology is closer than you think

Solar as a crop? Penn State to install state’s largest solar array on 500 acres of farmland.