
FCC Forgets About, Then Dismisses, Complaint Detailing Verizon's Long History Of Net Neutrality Violations

As Trump's FCC Chair Tries to Ram Through Sprint/T-Mobile Merger, Expert Says Claims It Will Benefit Consumers 'Approximately 0% True' - "The deal will result in higher prices for all consumers, and worse phone service—especially for rural Americans."

Disney fights streaming account sharing with help from cable industry

Amazon's army of tweeting warehouse workers backfired spectacularly this week after a thread about working conditions went viral

BBC expands shortwave radio news coverage in Kashmir

YouTube should stop recommending garbage videos to users

YouTube will stop letting copyright holders seize revenue via manual claims on very short music clips.

Microsoft admits contractors listen to Skype, Cortana chats

Biometrics of one million people discovered on publicly accessible database

The Trump administration drafted an executive order to censor the internet

Wikipedia picture of the day on August 16, 2019: Craigdarroch...