
Study: Most YouTube videos on climate change deny its existence

'Coal is over': the miners rooting for the Green New Deal - Appalachia’s main industry is dying and some workers are looking to a new economic promise after Trump’s proves empty

Big Money Starts to Dump Stocks That Pose Climate Risks - After years of meetings and shareholder resolutions, some funds are starting to simply divest from coal and oil stocks.

US Senator says wireless carriers helping Trump build 'surveillance state'

DARPA's $10 million voting machine couldn't be hacked at Defcon (for the wrong reasons)

The White House is reportedly moving to regulate “anti-conservative” social media

Tinder bypasses Google Play, joining revolt against app store fee

The 737 MAX Grounding Is Such A Disaster That Airlines Are Leasing 30-Year-Old 737-200s

Rooftop solar slashes demand levels and emissions across main grid

Senator Wyden to AT&T and T-Mobile: You Don’t Need to Store So Much Customer Data

Hong Kong protesters use laser pointers to deter police, scramble facial recognition